{ "Acknowledgment": "Acknowledgment", "AcknowledgmentTerms": "", "AddToCart": "Add to Cart", "AddressSchema": "Region, City, Neighborhood, Street", "ApplicationDate": "Form submission date", "ArrivalForms": "Arrival Forms", "ArrivingCard": "Arriving to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia", "ArrivingDate": "Arriving date", "ArrivingDateAndTime": "Arriving Date and Time", "ArrivingFromDepartingTo": "ArrivingFromDepartingToEnglish", "AttachementMessage": "+Attachment (PDF format only, Max 1MB)", "BANED": "baned", "Back": "Back", "BirthDate": "Birth date", "CHAPTERS": "Chapters", "CLEAR SEARCH": "Clear search", "CLOSE": "Close", "COPY": "copy", "Calculate": "Calculate", "Cancel": "Cancel", "CaptainFirstName": "Captain First Name", "CaptainFullName": "Captain Name", "CaptainInformation": "Captain Information", "CaptainLastName": "Captain Last Name", "CaptainMiddleName": "Captain Middle Name", "CaptainNationalID": "Captain National ID", "CaptainNationality": "Captain Nationality", "CaptainPassportNumber": "Captain Passport Number", "Car": "Wild trip", "Cart": "Cart", "ChooseValue": "- select -", "ClosedForms": " Closed Forms", "Commodity": "Commodity", "Conformity": "Conformity", "ContactInfo": "Contact information", "Continue": "Continue", "ContinueMsg": "Do you want to continue anyway?", "CountryCode": "Country Code", "Currency": "Currency", "CurrencyQuestion": "Do you have currencies, (negotiable financial instruments), or precious metals of value SAR 60,000 or its equivalent ($ 16,000)?", "CustomsDeclarationIssuancefees": "Customs declaration issuance fees", "CustomsFees": "Customs fees", "DEFINITION OF THE TERM": "Definition of the term", "DETAILS": "Details", "DOWNLOAD AS EXCEL": "Download as Excel", "DUTY": "Duty", "DUTY FREE": "free", "DateEnteringInspectionResult": "Date of entering the inspection result", "DateFormat": "Date not valid", "DateNotAfter": "Date shouldn't greater than today", "DateNotBefore": "Date shouldn't less than today", "DepCard": "Departing from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia", "DepartureDate": "Departure date", "DepartureForms": "Departure Forms", "DepartureResultDate": "Close form date", "Destination": "Destination", "Disclaimer": "Disclaimer:", "DisclaimerDetails": "Please note that the customs duties and taxes calculator only helps you to calculate the approximate total of the value of duties and taxes, and it is not legally binding. To know the actual value accurately, the customs declaration must be submitted.", "DoYouHavePermission": "Do you have permit?", "EdeclarationMessage": "EdeclarationMessageEnglish", "Email": "E-mail", "EmailErrorMsg": "please enter a valid email", "Endorsement": "Endorsement", "EndorsementLabel": "I have read and agree to the Endorsement", "EndorsementText": "I, hereby undersigned, Captain of this Ship, acknowledge that the given information and cargo in this form are correct, and I am not permitted to off load any of codified forbidden items in this form whether full or empty until the Ship leaves the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ’territories and abide by its laws.", "EnterProduct": "Enter the product", "EnterValueItems ": "Enter here the total value of the items", "EntryPort": "Entry port", "ExciseTax": "Excise tax", "ExciseTaxTip": "Standard price or product value of item x number x excise tax", "ExitPort": "Exit port", "ExpireDate": "Expire date", "Female": "Female", "Flight": "Flight trip", "FlightNumber": "Flight Number", "From": "Coming from", "GENERALERRORMSG": "Something wrong happened, please try again", "GLOSSARYOFTERMS": "Glossary of terms", "GccNumber": "Gcc identity number", "Gender": "Gender", "GoodsType": "Goods Type", "HS CODE": "HS Code", "HS HEADING": "HS Heading", "ITEM": "Item", "ITEMS": "Items", "IdentityNum": "Identity number", "IdentitySource": "Source", "IdentityType": "Identity type", "InspectionResult": "Inspection result", "InvalidFileTypeMsg": "File Extension is not supported", "Iqama": "Identity", "IsOpened": "Opend", "IssueDate": "Issue date", "Item": "Item", "LeavingFor": "LeavingFor", "LicenceQuestion": "Do you have any possessions or materials that require a license or permit to enter Saudi Arabia? ", "MAIN": "Main", "MAIN ITEMS": "Main Items", "MAIN SECTION": "Main Section", "Male": "Male", "MaterialType": "Material Type", "MaxCharacters": "Maximum characters is 15", "MaxCharacters500": "Maximum characters is 500", "MaxElectronicMsg": "Sorry ... the entered quantity requires a visit to the declaration office upon arrival", "MaxTravellersNum": "Travellers max number is 50", "MissingItems": "You didn't enter any item in ", "Modify": "Modify form", "NO NOTES": "No Notes", "Next": "Next", "No": "No", "NotAllowedNegative": "Value can't be negative", "NotValidPhone": "Invalid mobile number", "Notes": "Notes", "Number": "Number", "OnlinePayment": "Online Payment", "OnlyLettersAndNumberErrorMsg": "only letters and numbers are allowed", "OnlyLettersErrorMsg": "Only letters is allowed", "OnlyNumberErrorMsg": "Only Numbers are allowed", "OnlyTenCharachters": "Only 10 charachters are allowed", "OtherPurpose": "Other Purpose", "PREV": "Prev", "PRINT SEARCH RESULTS": "Print search results", "PROCEDURE CODE": "Procedure Code", "PROCEDURE NAME": "Procedure Name", "PROCEDURES": "Procedures", "PassengarPurpose": "Purpose of travel", "PaymentStatus": "Payment Status", "PersonalInfo": "Personal information", "PhoneLabel": "Mobile NO", "PhoneNumber": "Phone Number", "Port": "PortEnglish", "PossessionsQuestion": "Do you have any new possessions of total value exceeding SAR 3,000 ($800)?", "Print": "Print", "Product": "Product", "ProductValue": "Product value ", "Purpose": "Purpose", "Quantity": "Quantity", "REQUIRED PROCEDURES": "Required Procedures", "RESULT HAS BEEN FOUND": "results has been found", "RequiredField": "Required Field", "SADADPayment": "SADAD Payment", "SAR": "SAR", "SEARCH FOR": "Search For", "SEARCH RESULTS": "Search Results", "SECTION": "Section", "SECTION NOTES": "Section Notes", "SarSA": "SAR", "SaudiAddress": "Saudi address", "Save": "Save", "Search": "Search", "SelectItem": "Select the item", "SerialNumber": "Form Number", "Ship": "Sea trip", "ShipCountryOfRegistration": "Ship Country of Registration", "ShipInformation": "Ship Information", "ShipNumber": "Ship Number", "ShipOwnerName": "Ship Owner Name", "ShipType": "Ship Type", "SubType": "SubType", "Submit": "Submit", "TERM NAME": "Term name", "THE UPDATE": "the update", "TobaccoQuestion": "Do you have tobacco products or their derivatives more than 200 cigarettes or 25 cigar or 500 grams or cigarettes/electronic hookahs more than one device (hookah) and 60 ml of its own liquids?", "Total": "Total", "TotalAmount": "Total Amount", "TotalValue": "Total Value", "TravelDate": "Travel Date", "TravellerFamilyName": "Family name", "TravellerFatherName": "Father name", "TravellerFirstName": "First name", "TravellerInfo": "Traveller info", "TravellerNationality": "Traveller nationality", "TravellerNationalityId": "Identity number", "TravellerNationalityName": "NameEnglish", "TravellerPassport": "Traveller passport", "TravellersNumber": "Travellers number", "TripInfo": "Trip information", "TripNumber": "Trip Number", "TripType": "Trip type", "Type": "Type", "Unconformity": "Unconformity", "Unit": "Unit", "Update": "Update", "WORD": "Word", "WarehouseData": "Warehouse Data", "WasShipInspected": "Was the ship inspected upon exit?", "WriteGoodsType": "Write the Goods type", "Yes": "Yes", "addCommodity": "Add Commodity", "arrivalInspectionResult": "Inspection result when Ship arrival", "code": " Verification Code", "currencies": "currencies or precious metals", "curruncyUnitMsg": "Calculates the price of Gram - Gold and Silver - Based on the price of grams in Saudi Arabia", "customsFeesTip": " Product value x customs duties", "declarationSubmited": "The electronic declaration has been completed successfully.", "departureInspectionResult": "Inspection result when Ship departure", "edeclarationDesc": "The e-Declaration facilitates the procedures for your arrival and departure without the need to wait and also protects you from legal liability, to know the details of the declaration, you can see", "edeclarationDescLink": "Customs declaration information", "edeclarationTitle": "e-Declaration", "fa-long-arrow-left": "fa-long-arrow-right", "finishBackBtn": "➜ Finish and Back to start new Declaration", "formNum": "Form Number", "goodsNO": "x", "itemTotlaValues": "Enter here the total value of the items", "license": "possessions or materials that require a license or permit", "loginBtn": "Login through Unified National Access", "loginDesc": "Login through Unified National Access", "loginTitle": "Citizen / Resident", "maxFileSize": "You have exceeded the file size limit of 1MB", "maxLicenceItemsMsg": "You have reached the maximum allowed items", "name": "Name", "nationality_name": "crty_eng_name", "notPaid": "Not Paid", "paid": "Paid", "portlbl": "Port", "possessions": "new possessions", "possessionsUnitMsg": "Examples – Aircraft, medicines, pets, etc. View List ", "possisionMinAmountModal": "You have entered new collectibles worth less than 3000 riyals and do not require a declaration", "possisionMinAmountMsg": "Sorry, the entered total value does not require the declaration", "possisionsDeleteMsg": "Do you want to delete these items from the declaration?", "print": "Print", "quantityErrorMsg": "َQuantity is not valid", "readTerms": "I have read the terms and policies", "refNo": "Reference Number ", "reviewID": "National ID / Iqama ID / Passport Number", "reviewRequest": " Review a previous request", "saveAndSend": "Save and send the request", "showDecBtn": "View Declaration ", "submitReview": " Apply ", "tariffReleaseProceduresTitle": "Clearance and Exporting Procedures Codes Guide ", "tobacco": "tobacco products or their derivatives", "tobaccoItem": "Tobacco", "tobaccoLbl": "EnglishName", "tobaccoUnitMsg": "Clarification: 1/20 means a tray containing 20 cigarettes", "totalNote": "Total: Customs duties + Excise fees 'if exist' + Customs declaration's fees + VAT", "typeOfMerchandise": "Choose the type of merchandise", "vat": "VAT", "vatTip": "(Customs duties + excise tax if any + product value or minimum price, whichever is higher + customs declaration issuance fees) x VAT rate ", "viewDestination": "destinationen", "viewName": "Nameen", "viewNationality": "nationalitynameen", "viewRegistrationcountry": "registrationcountryen", "visitor": "Visitor", "visitorBtn": "Start", "visitorDesc": " Passenger information is entered manually", "welcome": "welcome", "userName": "user Name", "password": "Password", "confirmPassword": "Confirm Password", "firstName": "First Name", "fatherName": "Father Name", "grandFatherName": "Grandfather Name", "familyName": "Family Name", "maritalStatus": "Marital Status", "married": "Married", "single": "Single", "RegisterUserNationaity": "Nationality", "City": "City", "registerBtn": "Register", "registeration": "Register An Internal Account", "accommodationNumber": "Accommodation Number", "nationalIdentityNumber": "National Identity Number", "PasswordNotMatch": "Password dose not match", "userNameAlreadyExist": "User name already taken", "GCCIdentity": "GCC Identity", "PassportNumber": "Passport Number", "BorderNumber": "Border Number", "Other": "Other", "CaptchaCustomError": "Captcha code invalid", "identityNumberExists": "Identity number already exists", "emailExists": "Email already exists", "previousButton": "Previous", "nextButton": "Next", "verifyButton": "Verify", "resendOTP": "Resend OTP", "verifyMobileNumber": "Verify Mobile Numnber", "enterOTP": "Please enter OTP sent to mobile number ", "registerNewAccount": "Register new account", "PasswordIncompatible": "Password dose not meet the password standard", "Wait2Minutes": "Please wait 2 miniutes to resend OTP", "validateForm": "Data entered is not valid", "registerSuccess": "User register successfully", "DownloadinExcelFormat": "Download in Excel Format", "searchValidationMsg": "Entered data not valid", "RESTICTION TYPE": "Restriction type" }