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What is the duration of membership of the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) program?
Upon approval of AEO application, its accreditation shall be permanent and the enterprise shall be re-verified on an ongoing basis in accordance with the approved audit plan. This is to ensure that the facility maintains the approved level of compliance and supply chain integrity.


What businesses can join the AEO program?

Companies that participate in global supply chains and whose compliance with the program's requirements has been confirmed


Which countries are included in the mutual recognition agreements?

Countries with a recognized economic operator program and a recognized agreement


Are the advantages and facilities accessible outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?  

There are advantages for countries that have signed mutual recognition agreements


What effects does the AEO program have on businesses that choose not to participate?

Non-affiliated firms won't be affected, but approved enterprises will have access to many of the facilities and benefits provided, which were developed to meet the requirements of the authorized economic operator as well as those of the many trade sectors, including:

        Procedural benefits
        Benefits related to security and monitoring
       Administration Benefits
        Financial benefits
        Benefits of mutual recognition with other countries
        Other benefits


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